CD wants real girl fun with other CD's
Liverpool South, Australia | Keresztöltöző keres Keresztöltözőt
Általános adatok
Idegen nyelvek:
Been a closet cross dresser for 3 years. While I can continue to be one , nevertheless would like to meet other CD's. I like style, full cross dressing and being a gurl. I love women but have found many CD's to be more friendly and open.Willing to chat with anyone anywhere to learn and also to swap experiences. Would prefer to meet with people around my own age group- from say 40 to 80 yrs.Would also like to meet a CD in a location where we could meet person to person but this DOES NOT CANCEL out my liking to contact other CD's through chatting. I have met some wonderful people overseas and interstate and have become friends with them. I enjoy sharing experiences with them, swapping photos and learning from each other. Being a mature CD can be lonely and I find these chats really break down barriers. I have been heterosexual all my life but with the right gurl would like to try some sex. Love dressing up and love style. I try to look after my body as best I can and am STD free. Gradually getting confidence to venture bit by bit into public areas dressed as a gurl. I am not into one night bangs with strangers.
Megjelenés és helyzete
1.8 m
Szemeim színe
Családi állapotom
Vannak gyerekeim
Igen - Otthonon kivül
Szeretnék gyerekeket
Az amire büszke vagyok:
Nem is gondolkodom ilyenen
Hajam színe:
Főiskolai végzettség
Művészet / Zene / Irodalom
Egyedül, A háziállataimmal
Nincs zaj
Kedvelem az alkoholt
Igen - társaságban
A középiskolában
Klassz srác
Szociális magatartásom:
Barátságos, Figyelmes, Társaságkedvelő
Számítógépek, Vacsorák, Edzés, Család centrikus tartalom, Internet, Kertészkedés, Tanulás, Zene, Olvasás
Tökéletes szórakozás?
Barátkozás, Bevásárlás, Öltözködős játékok, Könyv olvasása, Otthon tartózkodás, Új dolgok kipróbálása
A tökéletes első randi így néz ki számomra:
A first date is to determine if there is compatibility. Ideally a meal at home, talking about and trying different clothes and make-up; watching some porn;listening to some music. If the conditions are right there may be some simple sex to test the waters or it may end with nothing but good riddance.
Mindig kipróbáltam volna a(z)
Having watched a lot of lap dancing on porn and loving music I would like to try and give a lap dance and make a partner come by using my but without actual insertion. This way you can control how long your partner can enjoy it. When she is about to come you can hop off and dance and then get back on again. I think this would be a very sexy experience for me and for my partner. I am now starting to practice my dancing and moves.
Így látnak barátaim:
Barátságos, Felnéznek rám, Királyinak
Vallási nézeteim:
Részt veszek a vallási szertartásokon:
Havonta egyszer
To enjoy the time I have left. To help others. To write/arrange and play guitar music. to continue to publish books. Any relationship must be discreet and confidential. I have responsibilities that I must continue to exercise and family that I love and who come first in my life and do not want to embarrass or lose them. I would sacrifice everything before them.
Okos, Barátságos
Mit nézek?
Dráma, Sportok
Mit nézek a moziban?
Nem kedvelem a filmeket
Amikor zenét hallgatok, mindig meghallgatom a
Blues, Ország, Folk, Gospel, Pop, Rock
Mit olvasok?
Történelem, Zene, Rejtélyek, Szerző vagyok
Mit jelent a szórakozás a részemre:
writing/arranging/composing/playing guitar music and songs, writing and publishing books, playing with my dog and being with my family and friends. Watching good porn in private(would like to share with a friend)
Mit tart vonzónak?
Empátia, Flörtölős, Humor, Tudás, Érzékenység, Komolyság
Mi az ami után kutat?
I look for a genuine, complete cross dresser, for friendship and to share an interest. I am also looking for people who are considerate and respectful of others as well as people who can laugh and enjoy each other's company. I like the idea of dressing up and having dinner parties with others (either private or in small groups). I am person who enjoys good company, good food, fun and fellowship. Any sex would follow from such meetings and only this. I do not want to get involved with rough butch people.Surely there must be a NICE gurl out there who likes to dress ,have a good meal, watch some great porn and try some sex. I'm waiting BUt only NICE Gurls please.
Mi után kutat?
Internet társ, Barát, Dátum, Intim kapcsolat, Elkötelezettség